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浙商研究院以浙江省首批哲学社会科学重点研究基地—— “浙商研究中心”和浙商博物馆为基础组建,由浙江工商大学原校长陈寿灿担任负责人。2017年6月,浙商大与浙报集团签订战略合作框架协议,共建浙商智库;2017年7月,被认定为浙江省首批新型高校智库;2018年10月,被认定为首批浙江省新型重点专业智库。2020年12月,入选中国智库索引(CTTI)来源智库。2023年2月增挂“中国华商研究院”。目前已成为涵盖浙商理论和咨政研究、开展智库人才培养、服务地方经济发展的综合性智库机构。




Zhejiang Merchant Institute, headed by Prof. CHEN Shoucanthe former president of Zhejiang Gongshang University, was based on the first group of Key Research Center of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Zhejiang Province, called Zhejiang Merchant Research Centre and Zhejiang Merchant Museum. In June 2017, the Zhejiang Merchant Think Tank was co-founded by Zhejiang Gongshang University and Zhejiang Daily Press Group which was sooner listed in the earliest group of New Think Tank on Campus in Zhejiang.; In October 2018, it was recognized as one of the initial new think tanks in Zhejiang. In December 2020, it was selected in the China Think Tank Index (CTTI. In February 2023, China National Entrepreneur Institute was built on it.

For the purpose of inheriting its culture, serving for its promotion and inspiring its future, Zhejiang Merchant Institute focuses on major issues on Zhejiang Merchant practically wherever in and out of China. It provides suggestions for government decision-making and consulting services for Zhejiang merchants. The institute's work includes five areas: culture, policies, innovation, globalization and digitization.

For cultural research, it explores the origin, spirit and value of Zhejiang Merchant. For policy research, it seeks its logic on the market, rules and regulations. For the innovation area, it reviews its change on technology, management and transformation. For the globalization area, it traces its roots and grows from Zhejiang to the world. For the digitization area, it describes the history and present of Zhejiang Merchant in a new perspective of digitization. It intends to be built as a reliable and remarkable think tank as the state's expected on the campus.
